District Court of the Japanese city of Yokohama made a sentence of life imprisonment of a 34-year-old former nurse Ayumi Cup. This is reported by the local LiveDoor News Agency.
Justice recognized the health worker guilty of intentional murder of three older women who were her patients. The prosecutor’s office demanded to execute Cups, but such a punishment rejected the jury collegium. The defendant has indicated that life imprisonment will be enough, since the former nurse at the time of the trial was already in a state of psychological exhaustion.
One of the reasons why the murderer was not aimedenned by the death penalty, the disorder of the autistic spectrum was revealed at the Cup during the investigation. According to the investigation, the nurse suffered from the disease at the time of the crime. The defendant itself repented in the deed and asked for himself the death penalty to redeem the blame.
In 2016, the Cups worked in the Hospital of Cups in the city of Yokohama, mixed the disinfectant in the dropper to three elderly patients. Two women 78 and 88 years old have died after the dripped drip camepers set them another nurse. The third sacrifice the woman killed independently.