Presidential 2022: at Republicans, a first courteous debate without winner

on LCI, Monday, Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti, Philippe Juvin and Valérie Pécresse held the promise of appeased exchange, far from the atmosphere of the 2016 primary. At the risk of a certain monotony .


They had sworn that there would be no invectives. The atmosphere, they said, had changed since the primary of 2016, where the murder sentences had been legion. Vaccinated, the Republican Party (LR) had, explained, learned from his mistakes. Promise held Monday night 8 November, during the first debate of the contenders of the right to the candidacy for the presidential election of 2022.

Finished the aligned desks that had seen Alain Juppé, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Fillon, the LCI tray looked on Monday to a living room with armchairs in circles. Candidates, one in front of others, spoke on their proposals, ensuring that they are answered without interrupting. At the risk of making the exercise monotonous.

It is that neither the president of the region Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, nor the boss of the Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, nor the ex-European Commissioner Michel Barnier, let alone the hon. Member Maritime Alps Eric Ciotti and the Mayor of the Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine) Philippe Juvin did not interest the first. Their political family, eager to show a face of unity and appeasement after years of cleavages, would not have forgiven them. The members dedicated to distinguish them in a vote on December 4 could also have shaded.

A slight dissonance on wind turbines

Only Valérie Pécresse has been, at times, a little more pugnace, for example, to notice Eric Ciotti that his proposal for a single income tax rate would lose revenue to the state. Or when she arrested Xavier Bertrand on her proposal to give a “work premium”, that she does not judge enough effective to increase wages. Later, she will reproach Michel Barnier not to quantify her proposals. No catch of them together, but exchanges a little lighter with journalists present in the plateau, David Pujadas and Ruth Elkrief having recalled them to the order several times on their speaking time or their digressions.

 Candidates for Republican Primary Michel Barnier and Valérie Pécresse, at the first debate, on the LCI Plateau, November 8, 2021.

After a short start devoted to the first trip and the first measure of each if elected president, the debate opened on the questions economic, with technical discussions. Conscious of the growing importance of purchasing power, they first have each competing for proposals to increase wages. The rest of the evening was a succession of proposals ranging almost all in the same direction, without anyone really succeeding in distinguishing themselves.

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