Popular diet turned out to be harmful to reproductive function

Scientists from Oslo University conducted a study, as a result of which it turned out that the Mediterranean diet, which in many countries of the world is considered to be better, can adversely affect the reproductive function. This is reported by New York Post.

Despite the proven benefit of the prevention of dementia, diabetes, heart disease and even erectile dysfunction, according to Norwegian specialists, such a power model can harm the health if it is incorrect. In particular, it can weaken the immune system and slow down the growth and development of children.

The reason for this can be a large number of pesticides and insecticides, which are contained in the purchase of fruits and vegetables that make up the basis of the Mediterranean diet.

In the course of the experiment, the participants fell within the framework of their usual Western diets, including a relatively small amount of fruits, vegetables and wine. Then they moved to a Mediterranean diet, which includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain, fish and fats, such as olive oil and nuts. At the same time, meat, dairy products and saturated fats are used in smaller quantities.

According to the results of the study, it turned out that in the urine of the subjects found the excess of two key substances – insecticide and phosphorodorganic compounds – more than three times.

“From observational research, more and more evidence is that health benefits from increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables and wholegrain products are partially reduced due to the higher impact of pesticides associated with these products,” the professor Ole Iversen explained.

Researchers suggested that these substances can affect hormones in the body. In addition, it is noted that the products grown in the traditional way, as well as meat and fish absorb harmful substances from the atmosphere, which, with the use of these fruits and vegetables, people fall into the body.

Previously, American nutritionists stated that wishing to lose weight first of all reduce consumption not only sweet, but also sugar as a whole, and also to measure portions using the so-called hand brush rule, there are more vegetables and products containing fiber.

/Media reports.