The presidential election candidate is very criticized to the left since he made this proposal. He returned to this measure in a form of Mea Culpa, Monday.
Le Monde
An “inefficient” measure, because “misunderstood”. In the aftermath of his proposal to block private money transfers to countries who refuse to repatriate their nationals covered by a measure of expulsion from French territory, Arnaud Montebourg has recognized” a misunderstanding “, Monday, November 8 on LCP.
In a form of Mea Culpa after many critics on the left, the candidate explained to have “wanted to open the debate on this question”, but “I got up by people I love. I understood That I did not express myself, I did not understand the real target [I was aimed], “he argued. Guest of RTL and LCI Sunday, the former minister of productive recovery had unveiled his proposal. “Today you have a hundred thousand obligations weighing on people who have to leave the territory that we can not execute. These people are there and are often offenders. So, I am Decided to type the portfolio, “he explained.
Before clarifying his measure: “There are eleven billion money transfers passing through Western Union on all countries of origin. We block all the transfers as long as we do not have a Cooperation reception “, then proposed Mr Montebourg. “These private money transfers are a manna for these countries and we need today to say: that’s enough.” “For me, the privation of visas does not work,” then insisted the candidate, while France Recently announced the reduction in the number of visas granted to the Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians to put pressure on the governments of their countries, judged uncooperative for the readmission of the Maghrebians expelled from France.
“Montebourg to drifting “
But, in the wake of the show, this proposal was strongly criticized on the left. The candidate of France unsuitable, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, denounced Sunday a “momebourg with drift” in a blog post, and skewed the nail on Monday on RTL, deploring a “measure of total cruelty” and “unfair because” that it strikes people who are for nothing “.
“The arms fell to me, I know Arnaud Montebourg, he was, at a time, socialist … and find him to repeat this old proposition of the extreme right, it would at the same time hit and Sad made for those who support it “, has deplored Olivier Faure on Europe 1, Monday. “If this money does not come over there, you will naturally have more migrants and, so it’s absolutely down from what to do”, again argued the member for Seine-et-Marne.
“Arnaud, come back with us! Left, leaving the studio,” tweeted the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau, while the extreme right polemist and Putatative candidate Eric Zemmour has ironized on the same social network: “in Failure of ideas, Montebourg watched in replay the videos of my YouTube channel. Bravo, Arnaud! “
“I wanted to remember a debate that returns to all presidential cuts,” said Monday Mr. Montebourg, claiming that he wanted, by his proposal, “typing the portfolios of States and not touching these families who work hard, who send money to their families on the other side of the Mediterranean, or even further “. Although it returns to its proposal announced on Sunday, the candidate considers that “effective solutions for convicted persons who do not have French nationality, are returned to their country once they have served [their] sentence. There they turn out the authority of the state. It is the countries of origin that refuse their return. “