White House commented on drop of Biden’s approval rating

US President Joe Biden works without looking back to the ratings and is confident that his policy will improve the life of every American. So deputy spokesperson of the White House Karin Jean-Pierre commented on the results of the survey, which showed the fall of the head of the head of state to a minimum. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

As Jean-Pierre stated, in the White House focused on the promotion of the economic policy of Biden and are confident that she will improve life literally every American, will ensure the growth of our economy and create jobs. ” “Polls are carried out a lot, and they are not in priority for us now,” she added.

On November 8, the USA Today newspaper with reference to the survey data conducted in conjunction with the University of Suffolk in the period from 3 to 5 November, reported that the approval rating of the American leader fell to 38 percent, while earlier this indicator was held on 40 percent level. According to 46 percent of respondents, Biden copes with work as a president’s post worse than expected.

Biden himself has previously stated that it does not pay attention to the results of social surveys and does not need social approval.

/Media reports.