Scientists from the California National Research Center of Primates (USA) and the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto (Canada) reported how Coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) strikes the human brain. This was told by the NBC News TV channel.
Experts found out that when inserted into the brain through the nose, Coronavirus causes people who had overcome people such as memory problems, coordination problems and “fog in the head”. The observations of macales-resusions showed that the symptoms of the damage of neurons of the brain they appear seven days after infection. Most often it is noticeable in old animals, ill-meant diabetes.
“I believe that this is a more dangerous scenario of the course of the disease,” said the impact of coronavirus on the brain professor of neurology of the University of California in Davis John Morrison, who led the study. He suggested that in the human brain, SARS-COV-2 cells can hit areas responsible for thinking, memory, emotions and mood.
Scientists have found that the immune system does not respond to coronavirus particles when they turn out to be in the brain neurons. This happens because neurons provide normal brain functioning. Since immunity does not fight coronavirus in the brain, it makes it difficult to treat the disease.
Previously, British scientists called unvaccited patients aged 40 years and older than the most frequent victims of coronavirus. The researchers also talked about the causes of death after vaccination. The first is the lack of the immune response to the vaccine, and the second is immune diseases of a person.