Jul gathered (almost) all French rap for his “organized classico”

Like meetings between the Olympique de Marseille and Paris-Saint-Germain, the rapper Marseillais brings together 157 artists from the two cities for a three-hour game on a triple CD.


After the success of its organized compilation, in October 2020, the Jul rapper Jul takes again the idea of ​​a collective album by proposing, this time, the “Mc” of his city to meet their colleagues Parisians . A kind of Classico OM-PSG RAP version, just announced by Jul of the last meeting between the two teams, October 24 at the VéLODROME stage. But while a football game lasts 90 minutes, the triple CD, which includes 157 artists (including only five women), plays the extensions with nearly three hours of music. Titled the organized classico, he went out Friday, November 5th.

The rapper had already shown that he was able to federate the entire Marseille scene. With this project, many of which dreamed since the beginning of IAM and NTM, it proves that it is able to gather well beyond its fief. His personality of “Nice man” as he self-propelled in the bad boy’s title, and his atypical productions seduced the larger of the Parisians: Lacrim, Kaaris, Rohff … on this record, there are also some RAP ravings. From Street 2000 as Lim, Boulogne-Billancourt, and Mac Kregor, Tandem Group, whose title 93 Hardcore remains a classic of the Parisian rap.

Some heavyweights lack the call

However, there is a few stars, a little as if the PSG played without Messi, Neymar or mbed. Nekfeu did not come out of his retirement, Booba, who encouraged on the scenes Jul in his infancy, is absent as well as the Orelsan, Niska and Ninho heavyweights who all three out of their new album in November. Commercial interests prime, of course, on the unit. The DUO of NLP, always remained away from any collective project, remained faithful to itself. But, globally, Jul has passed his bet.

It thus brings together on the thirty titles several generations, several styles, the urban population of Gims and soprano at the shift of alkpote, rookies of the moment Guy2bezbar and Gazo in the rap very stylish of Arsenik, of Youssoupha or Oxmo Puccino. The latter finds his past of freestyleur of the great time of Time Bomb on the legendary title, one of the best moments of this record, which meets Sch, Rim-K of 113, soprano, Lino and Calbo d’Arsenik and redk More than seven rappers on the same song that chained punches.

It is this argued rhythm that Jul proposes throughout the disc, which, over time, can become indigestible. Fortunately, these magical moments like the galactics, very dark, and the Elegance, where Jul is trying to a more melodic rap almost nostalgic before finding his atmospheres in nightclub, as on the very horrible relaxx, between house , Raï and Disco and where the young bimbim quickly repletes: “It’s the wilderness as in” Mad Max “”. Another formula that may be successful in recreation courses or anti-pass protractions, “his grandmother, the healthcare” from Sysa, first signature of the OM Records.

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