Eight people died due to crown at music festival

at least eight people died as a result of the crown at the AstroWorld Music Festival in Houston, Texas (USA). This was announced by the head of the fire service Samuel Peña, reports Reuters.

According to him, the incident occurred about nine o’clock in the evening on Friday, November 5th. Spectators gathered at the speech of Rapper Trevis Scott, began to try to pour closer to the scene, a panic began.

The crush lasted about half an hour, people began to lose consciousness, many viewers were injured. 17 victims were hospitalized – 11 of them had a heart stop. The police noted that the exact causes of the incident are still unknown, and asked to refrain from speculation.

Earlier it was reported that in the US state of Georgia near the Student Campus of the State University of Fort Valley occurred. The incident occurred during a party. As a result of the incident, one person died, another seven were injured, not threatening life. The condition of the victims is estimated as stable.

/Media reports.