Release Distribution Tails 4.24

Published Release of a specialized distribution kit Tails 4.24 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) based on the Debian batch database and intended to provide anonymous access to the network. Anonymous output to TAILS is provided by the TOR system. All connections, in addition to traffic via the TOR network, are blocked by a packet filter by default. Encryption is used to store user data in the user data saving mode between starts. To download, iso-image , capable of working in Live mode, size 1.1 GB. In the new version, a transition to the browser branch Tor Browser 11, a stable release of which is not yet formed (instead of the expected stable release of the Browser 11.0, another test issue was published Tor Browser 11.0a10 , founded by Firefox 91.3 ESR and Alpha Verse Tor

From other changes to Tails 4.24: Made a more noticeable confirmation dialog displayed when trying to reinstall the system on a USB drive with the permanent user data storage (Persistent Storage). Improvements are made to the Tor Connection Wizard (Tor Connection), which makes it possible to connect from censored networks through bridge gateways to bypass blocking. Improved time zone selection interface. The load on the CPU is reduced when the download status is displayed in the update installation interface.

/Media reports.