Symptoms of COVID-19 at vaccinated

COVID-19 in graft people in general proceeds easier than those who have not vaccinated him. This was stated by Danish scientists – Professor, head physician of the Branch of Infectious Diseases of the Hospital Votorway Thomas Benfield and Professor Immunology of the University of Hartmann. Danmarks Radio talked with them.

Specialists also listed the symptoms of COVID-19, which may arise from graft people. They explained that the situation in which fully graft people are still infected are called a “breakthrough infection.”

So, among the most frequent symptoms of COVID-19, there are completely vaccinated headache, runny nose, cough, sore throat and sneezing. A little less often occur the heat and loss of smell.

As Hartmann explained, even in the grafted people there is a different severity of the disease, which varies from a slight cold to deaths. “But in general, there is a sharp decline in the seriousness of the disease, which means that much fewer people fall into the hospital and dies,” he stressed.

Professor noted that the flow rate of the disease strongly depends on the specific vaccine and the characteristics of the human body, as well as its age. According to him, experts noticed that the effectiveness of drugs in patients over 70 years decreases after six months, and if they make another vaccination, a clinical improvement is observed.

In this case, completely vaccinated patients in infecting COVID-19 may convey the infection to others, and therefore it is important to hand over the test for the presence of the disease, indicated Benfield. He explained that people with symptoms have more virus in the nose and throat, in connection with which they are more infectious.

Previously, doctors from Germany and Belgium came to the conclusion that the coronavirus is safe for brain cells. They stated that crustacular or supporting cells become the main objects of infection. They were not able to prove that COVID-19 infects sensory neurons responsible for smelling.

/Media reports.