Mirzieev joined position of President of Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirzieev, the second time elected by the President of Uzbekistan, joined the position. About this on Saturday, November 6, reports TASS.

The representative of the press service of the chairman of the CEC Cheanniddine Nizamhodzhaeva handed the presidential certificate to Mirziev, after which he put his hand to the Constitution and the Quran, and also said the words of the oath to the faithless people of Uzbekistan.

Subsequently, Mirzierev was awarded the distinctive signs of the presidential power established in October of this year – a breastplate and standard. Currently, the chosen head of the state appears with the report.

Inauguration ceremony takes place in a large meeting room in a new building of the Senate.

On the victory of Mirzieev CEC COMPANY announced at the end of October – he scored 80.12 percent of votes. The turnout exceeded 80 percent.

Shavkat Mirzieev became president in 2016 after the death of Islam Karimov, the first leader of independent Uzbekistan. At Karimov Mirzieev was the prime minister.

/Media reports.