The Russian research vessel could delay in Denmark due to the fact that in the past, the scientific ships “Academician Ioffe” and built with him for one project “Academician Sergey Vavilov” used for transportation and travel of foreign tourists. The possible reason for the incident in the “” conversation called the source from the Russian Academy of Sciences, familiar with the situation.
The interlocutor of the edition clarified that in the past, Academician Ioffe was used as a tourism ship. “A contract was concluded with a tour, which was eminently called, whether the organizer of tourist trips. When our legislators suddenly occurred to the work of scientific vessels on tourists, it was forbidden to use vessels as tourist liners,” he told and added that after this contract It was broken, and the firm starting to sell tickets suffered losses.
The source indicated that the firm filed a lawsuit and satisfied it. “The lawsuit, as far as I remember, concerned” Vavilov “. But since the owner has several ships, the decision applies to all of them,” he explained.
On the arrest of the Russian ship “Academician Ioffe” became known during the day on November 4. On board are 38 crew members and 23 researchers. Later in the Russian embassy clarified that the lawsuit, on the basis of which the Russian research vessel “Academician Ioffe” was detained in Denmark, was served by the Canadian company One Ocean Expeditions Ltd. In connection with its previous activities. What exactly can we talk about yet.
“Academician Ioffe” – a research vessel. Named in honor of the Soviet scientist Physics Abraha Fedorovich Ioffe. The ship was built in 1988. “Academician Ioffe” and “Academician Sergey Vavilov” were built on a joint project. Now “Academician Ioffe” belongs to the Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshova of the Russian Academy of Sciences.