Washington offers $ 10 million to find Darkside group hackers

The United States accuses this group based in Russia to be behind the online attack that paralyzed colonial pipeline, the largest oil pipeline network in the United States.

Le Monde with AFP

The United States announced Thursday, November 4, which they offered a $ 10 million reward for any information that would help to find the leaders of the hacker group specializing in the Darkside rankongicials. Washington accused this band based in Russia to be behind the online attack that paralyzed a few months ago colonial pipeline, the largest network of refined product oil pipelines in the United States.

A ransomware, or “ransomware”, operates security faults of a company or an individual to encrypt and block his computer systems, requiring a ransom to unlock them. Compound, according to experts, from Cybercriminals Aguerris, Darkside derogates from confidential data to victims, often based in Western countries, and calls for a ransom to “render”.

“By offering this reward, the United States shows their commitment to preventing victims from ranks around the world to be exploited by cyber criminals,” said US State Department in a statement.

$ 5 million for the arrest of accomplices

Washington also offered $ 5 million for any information leading to arrest or indictment in any country from anyone trying to participate in an attack alongside Darkside.

/Media reports.