Jack Trials: Chancery Deontology Office seized case of Advocate General Robert Bartoletti

The seal guard took this decision following two articles of the “world” which brought about the comments made by the magistrate during the trial of a man sentenced for rape by surprise by the Criminal Court of the Hérault.

Le Monde

The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, seized Tuesday 2 November the Chancery Ethics Office following the publication in Le Monde of two articles evoking the comments made at the hearing by the General Counsel Robert Bartoletti during the trial of Jack S. in front of the Criminal Court of Herault.

During the accused’s interrogation, pursued for “rapes by surprise”, Mr. Bartoletti said: “You could make love with any woman? It’s important, the Physical criterion, no? “” How many women would want to make love with you seeing you? Me, I have my little idea: close to zero. “” Have you enjoyed? Have they enjoyed? “In His indictment, he then applied for twelve years of criminal imprisonment against “this type” he said, “who at the end of six years of procedure, is still entitled to his boots”. Jack S. was sentenced, Friday, October 29, to eight years’ imprisonment.

The office seized by the seal custody, which is composed of magistrates seconded to the Legal Services Branch of the Ministry of Justice, has received mission to analyze the reported remarks and to determine whether or not they are compliant. to ethics.

This is contained in the oath that all the magistrate lends during his entry: “I swear of well and faithfully fulfill my duties, to keep the secret of the deliberations and to drive me in just as a dignine and loyal magistrate. “It has been supplemented by the collection of ethical obligations of magistrates, drawn up and published by the Higher Council of the Judiciary (CSM). This collection, specifies the CSM, “does not constitute a code of discipline but a guide for the magistrates of the headquarters and the parquet that belong, in France, to the same body. Its publication is likely to enhance public confidence in operation Independent and impartial French judicial system “.

” held at probity and loyalty “

In his last update, dated January 9, 2019, he stressed that “the magistrate demonstrates, by his integrity, that he is worthy of deciding on the exercise of the essential rights of individuals. More than any other , it is held to probity and loyalty. (…) Justice is rendered in the name of the French people. The magistrate must pay attention to those he judges, as to those who surround him, without ever going to to the dignity of anyone, preserving the image of justice and respecting the reserve duty “.

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/Media reports.