Gathered “Dossier” on Trump Russian was released on bail

The Federal Court of Alexandria, Virginia, freed from the custody of the Russian analyst Igor Danchenko, accused of providing false information FBI. This is reported by Politico.

This decision announced the world judge Teresa Buchanan. It is specified that the liberation of Russians was appointed a pledge of 100 thousand dollars.

restrictive conditions

Initially, prosecutors offered to oblige Danchenko to wear an electronic bracelet tracking its location. However, due to the lack of devices, the judge was forced to abandon this requirement. At the same time, Russians ordered to pass a passport within 24 hours.

In addition, Danchenko was ordered to refrain from any contacts with possible witnesses in the case of the alleged relations of the US Ex-President Donald Trump with Russia. He is also forbidden to leave Washington, the correspondent of the CBS channel Catherine Harridge reported in its twitter -Akt.

accusation in perjury

It believes the investigation, Danchenko helped the ex-employee of the British special services Christopher to draw up a “dossier” with knowingly false allegations of Trump’s conspiracy with Russia during the election campaign. It is noted that the version presented to them “was based on the basis of accusations” against the former American leader. In addition, the Russian analyst allegedly conveyed information to a certain person who occupied senior posts in the structures of the Democratic Party. The name of this person is not called.

At the same time, according to the Ministry of Justice of the United States, from June to November 2017, the Russian analyst was supposedly informed five times the FBI informable information, specifying information about the sources of information transferred to them. Danchenko is accused of the country of false testimony of the FBI: according to investigators, the Russian “falsely stated that he had never contacted a specific person in the United States, which for a long time participated in the policy of the Democratic Party” on the “Dossier” on Trump.

As newspaper notes, Danchenko charged five points.

Case Story

Investigation in relation to the former president of the United States began shortly after the dismissal of the Director of the FBI James Komi in May 2017. The accusation argued that back in 2016 politician appealed to the Kremlin with a request to find and publish the email content of Hillary Clinton, which was his opponent.

Another reason for the investigation was the “Russian dossier” on Trump, compiled by the former reconnaissance Christopher stylus. It was alleged that Russia could blackmail the elected US president. We are talking about a series of documents published five years ago: they provided evidence according to which Russia allegedly intervened in the American elections 2016 and “made a bet” on Trump, and also helped him to win. Later, the Federal Court of Washington decided that the connection of the President with the Kremlin was also not proven.

/Media reports.