Central African Republic: UN Relates an Inquiry After Attack Against Bangui Bangui Helmets

Monday, the guard of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra had opened fire on Egyptian blue helmets. Ten of them were injured and a civilian was killed during the incident.

Le Monde with AFP

The UN “firmly” condemned Thursday, November 4 “The unacceptable attack” conducted on Monday against Egyptian blue helmets in Central African Republic by custody of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, claiming an investigation into these events. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, recalled “that attacks on United Nations peacekeepers may constitute a war crime” and called to “investigate this unacceptable attack so that the authors quickly respond to their actions. “, according to a statement of his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric.

Ten unarmed Egyptian blue helmets of the United Nations mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) were injured on Monday, including two seriously, by the presidential guard that opened fire on their bus in the capital Bangui. The services of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra justified these shots by accusing the Egyptian military for taking pictures of the residence of the Head of State, which is forbidden, and for refusing to stop their vehicle.

The blue helmets “have wiped fed shots of the presidential guard without prior summons or answers none, while they were not armed,” said the MINUSCA on Tuesday in a statement. Antonio Guterres addressed Thursday “His deep condolences to the bereaved family of Central African civilian who was killed during the incident,” says Dujarric.

One Billion dollars a year

The Central African presidency as the MINUSCA had reported a mortally affected woman by the Blue helmet bus while he left the area after shots. Classified second least developed country in the world, the Central African Republic has been plunged into a bloody civil war after a coup in 2013. This conflict continues but has dropped considerably from intensity for three years, even though sides integers of territories continue to escape the central power.

The Minusca, deployed by 2014 and whose mandate expires on 15 November, has nearly 12,000 soldiers and represents one of the most costly UN peacekeeping operations with an annual budget exceeding billion. dollars.

/Media reports.