In United States moved equipment of Esminians with hypersonic missiles

Navy (Navy) US moved the equipment of Stels-destroyers like ZUMWALT hypersonic medium-range missiles. American sailors will receive the first ship with new weapons not earlier than 2025 fiscal years. About it reports The Drive.

The publication notes that the original plan assumed the start of work on the re-equipment of ships in 2022. Three ships with hypersonic missiles planned to transfer the fleet in 2025 fiscal year.

The Drive, referring to the US Navy budget request, reports the transfer of work. Thus, the re-equipment of ships will begin in 2024, and at the end of the 2025th American fleet can get the first Zumwalt with hypersonic rockets.

Each ship will receive 12 launchers to run the Intermediate-Range Conventional Prompt Strike (IRCPS) hypersonic missiles. These rockets are considered an analogue of the Hyperzonic Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) complex. Dark Eagle (“Dark Eagle”).

Rockets will replace the artillery settings of the caliber of 155 millimeters. After re-equipment, the Zumwalt destroyer will be united into the experimental connection of the US Navy called Surface Developmental Squadron One.

In October, the US Defense Ministry published snapshots of the transfer of the first hypersonic complexes to American artilleryrs. Units of the 17th Brigade of the Field Artillery of the US Army received an experienced battery of the Dark Orel hypersonic complex.

In August, Popular Mechanics magazine opened the LRHW Rocket flight range. The publication noted that the LRHW Rocket flight range is 2775 kilometers, and the ammunition is capable of hitting in Moscow.

/Media reports.