In United States complained about “regrettable” lag from Russia by number of icebreakers

The United States “regrettally far behind” Russia and China largest icebreaking fleet. The Minister of Internal Security of the USA Alejandro Mayorshorkas complained about the lack of icebreaks, TASS reports.

According to him, Washington does not pay enough attention to the strategy in the Arctic and the fact that this region of the world is important, currently becoming increasingly important. The minister said that the United States has only two outdated icebreakers, while Moscow and Beijing has several dozen such ships.

In addition, the head of the department announced that the US President Joe Bayden was working on a budget request for the passion of the number of icebreakers. “We are ahead of us and exceed in resources in terms of our opportunities in the Arctic,” “Majorkas summarized.

Earlier, the deputy headquarters of the material and technical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Andrei Efimov said that in Russia until 2033, there are five icebreakers for the ADF auxiliary fleet. According to him, new ships will expand the possibilities of the fleet on the supply of regions of the Far North.

/Media reports.