MEPs came back, in the night of Wednesday on Thursday, on the decision of the Senate to reduce the end date of the restrictions related to COVID-19 to 28 February 2022.
Le Monde with AFP
The members decided, in accordance with the Government’s desire, to extend on July 31, 2022 the possibility of resorting to the health care to fight against the CVIV-19 epidemic, returning to the decision of the Senate to reduce this deadline to the February 28th.
The vote in this direction was acquired in the night of Wednesday 3 to Thursday, November 4, during a new reading of the Bill of Sanitary Vigilance, after the failure of a conciliation with the Senate.
Some 500 amendments, widely from the republican party banks (LR) but also on the left, hostile to the government bill, were examined since the beginning of the afternoon and the vote on the ‘Set of the text is expected later at night.
After the new reading at the Palais-Bourbon, senators must in turn floor again on the text on Thursday. The National Assembly must have the last word Friday during a final reading.
Failed Joint Joint Commission
A joint joint committee (CMP) Senate / Assembly assembled Tuesday to try to reach a compromise had failed. The main litigation concerns the possibility of using the sanitary pass until July 31, that the Senate dominated by the right had brought back to February 28. Senators, such as the oppositions of right and left at the Palais-Bourbon, denounce a “white-seteg” given to the government over a period that “spans” the presidential and legislative elections.
The power is “afraid of having a debate on this subject a few weeks before the presidential election”, launched the member the Republicans Julien Dive. Socialist Lamia El Aaaraje accused the majority of “playing with democracy”.
The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, assured that this date allowed to have “readability and visibility” on the progression of the coronavirus “which continues to circulate” and the means to fight against. The government also recalled that a parliamentary debate on the subject was scheduled for February 15, without succeeding in convincing the oppositions that claim a good review of government policy with vote.
Many parliamentarians have tried in vain to obtain a pure and simple abrogation of the sanitary pass, as the elected France unsuitable Michel Larive who called him “democratic and sanitary aberration”. The Rapporteur Jean-Pierre Pont (the Republic on the Marche) has shocked a “flexible and adaptable, which has proven itself”.