“The fire did 41 wounded and 46 dead,” said Kaohsiung Fire Department on Thursday in a press release.
Le Monde with AFP
A fire that ravaged during the night a building in the city of Kaohsiung, in the south of Taiwan, killed 46 people and injured 41 others, according to an official assessment Thursday, October 14.
The fire was found in a mixed-term building of thirteen floors in the small hours of the day, according to the authorities, and ravaged several floors before the firefighters manage to control it.
photos published by the official Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency show smoke escaping from the windows of the building, while the firefighters are desperately trying to extinguish the flames .
Most of the victims were between the seventh and eleventh floors, which housed residential apartments, according to firefighters. The first five floors, intended for commercial use, were unoccupied. The firefighters of the city dispatched more than 70 trucks to fight against the fire.