Prevalence of post-shaped syndrome is estimated

more than half of the 236 million people with a diagnosed coronavirus infection developed post-shaped syndrome. Such an assessment of the prevalence of the state is called researchers from Australia and the United States, whose article is published in Jama Network Open.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, together with colleagues from Australia, analyzed 57 studies containing information about more than 250 thousand patients – both adults and children – from December 2019 to March 2021 diagnosed COVID-19. 79 percent of them were hospitalized, the same number lived in high-income countries per capita.

Scientists analyzed the health of patients after recovery from COVID-19 on three time segments – in a month, after two to five months and in more than six months. It turned out that many of them experienced a number of health problems associated with coronavirus infection. In general, one of the two patients undergoing COVID-19 patients experienced post-person syndrome. This indicator remained unchanged throughout the observation period – 54-55 percent. In high-income countries, the prevalence of post-shaped syndrome was 54.6 percent, in low- and middle-income countries – 56 percent.

The most common consequence was a general deterioration of well-being – more than half of all patients reported weight loss, fatigue and pain. Almost 30 patients were diagnosed with a common alarm disorder. In 62 percent, an anomalies were noted during the visualization of the chest organs, about a quarter of patients experienced difficulties with breathing. Also among widespread symptoms were loss of mobility, complexity with concentration, chest pain and hair loss.

The causes of postpone syndrome are still not clear, researchers recognize. In their opinion, its symptoms can be caused by both the overwork of immunity and the increased production of autoantibodies. Scientists warn that in the future post-shaped syndrome can lead to overload of health systems in many countries.

Earlier, WHO gave the official definition of post-shaped syndrome. According to her, this state occurs in people three months after the contamination of COVID-19, and its symptoms last at least two months

/Media reports.