President Vladimir Putin instructed to create a special fire squadron in Russia, which will consist of 22 aircraft and helicopter, reports RIA Novosti with reference to two sources in profile departments.
“According to the instructions of the head of state, a flight squadron for fire extinguishing in Ten aircraft BE-200CH, ten helicopters of Ka-32A11m and two helicopters Mi-26T, will be created together with the State Corporation” Rostech “. P>
Another informant reported that the fire specialist will appear in Russia at the expense of the national welfare fund. At the same time, its current maintenance will be financed by the State Corporation Rostech. The company confirmed that “indeed, there is such an order.”
In Rostekh, they said that the basis of the grouping will be Ka-32A11m, the newest modification of the helicopter – with an engine of high power, a “glass cab” and an upgraded fire extinguishing system. Be-200 will also use, which has no analogues.
“These cars are very in demand when extinguishing forest fires,” stressed in state corporation.