Jews announced “conspiracy theories” against them because of Covid-19 pandemic

Over the past year, in society, the theories of the conspiracy accused of the Jews in the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic and the use of her for their benefit, President of the European Jewish Congress (EEK) Vyacheslav Moshe Kantor at the International Forum in Malma, writes RIA Novosti.

According to him, the essence of the myths against the nation comes down to the fact that “supposedly Jews, the Jewish people or the state of Israel stand behind a pandemic.” In addition, they were accused of what Jews earn a coronavirus, conducting a large-scale vaccination campaign. “Over the past year, a wide range of conspiracy theory was obtained,” Kantor noted.

According to President Eck, anti-Semitism and extremism are growing in society. Especially the young people are exposed.

Earlier by the President of the Rabbi Council of Europe, the chief rabbi of Moscow Pinhas Goldsmidt said that the Jews could leave Europe in the event of a surge of anti-Semitism. According to him, the most tense situation consists in France and in Belgium, also anti-Semitic trends are observed in Poland.

/Media reports.