Published Issue DEAR PYGUI 1.0.0 (DPG), cross-platform tulk to develop a Python graphical user interface. The most important feature of the project is to use multithreading and removal of operations to the GPU side to accelerate the drawing. The key goal of the formation of release 1.0.0 is the stabilization of the API. Violation of the Change compatibility will now be offered in a separate “Experimental” module.
To ensure high performance, the main part of the DEARPYGUI code is written in C ++ using the dear library Imgui , developed by the same authors, but designed to create graphic applications on C ++ and offering a fundamentally different model of work. The source texts dear pygui apply under the MIT license. Applied support for Linux platforms, Windows 10 and MacOS.
Tulkite is suitable for both quick-to-create simple interfaces and the development of complex specialized GUI for games, scientific and engineering applications that require high responsiveness and interactivity. Application developers are offered a simple API and a set of ready-made traditional elements, such as buttons, sliders, switches, menus, text shapes, images, and various layout methods of the window elements. From the advanced features, the formation of diagrams, graphs and tables is noted.
Additional resource viewers are available, editor of nodal connections, the inspection system for the design and elements for arbitrary drawing suitable for creating 2D games. To simplify the development, several utilities are supplied, including a debugger, code editor, documentation viewer and log viewer.
dear pygui implements typical GUI libraries abstract API mode ( Retained Mode ), but it is implemented on top of the dear library ImGui, working in Imgui (Immediate Mode GUI). Retained mode implies that the tasks for the formation of the scene takes on the library, and in the immediate mode, the visualization model is processed on the client side, and the graphics library is used only for final output, i.e. The application every time it gives the command to draw all elements of the interface to form another finished frame.
DearPyGUI is not used by the system provided by the system of native widgets, and drawing its own widgets through access to the OpenGL graphics API, OpenGL ES, Metal and DirectX 11, depending on the current operating system. A total of more than 70 ready widgets are offered.