Researchers from Sweden have shown that the risk of a person to infect coronavirus infection is the less less than family members of the family who have vaccinated or vaccinated from COVID-19. Describing this factor the article by scientists is published in Jama Internal Medicine.
Researchers from the University of Umea analyzed statistical data on the health of almost 1.8 million people from more than 800 families consisting of two or five people. They evaluated the relationship between the number of relatives with immunity to COVID-19 and the risk of infection or hospitalization in their relatives without immunity.
Researchers managed to reveal a clear dependence of the “dose-effect”. It turned out that the chance of infection in humans decreased significantly depending on the growth of the number of family members or received a vaccine. If such a person was only one, the risk to infected was reduced by 45-61, for two relatives, this figure was 75-86 percent, and for three – 91-94 percent. If the family of five people had a physical immunity, the risk of infection decreased by 97 percent.
“Vaccination helps not only reduce the risk of human infection, but also reduce the transmission of the virus. This in turn minimizes not only the risk that a greater number of people become critically sick, but also the risk of new problematic variants of the virus,” one stressed Authors of work, graduate student Marseille Ballin.
Earlier, French scientists revealed the effectiveness of vaccination against the risk of death from coronavirus in the elderly. According to the results of their research, the vaccination from COVID-19 reduces the risk of hospitalization and fatal outcome among people over 50 years old by 90 percent.