In Poland adopted a bill on fence on border with Belorussia

The Government of Poland adopted a bill on the construction of fence on the border with Belorussia. This was announced in twitter Interior Minister Mariusha Kaminsky.

The document will be directed from the Cabinet of Ministers to the lower chamber of Poland Parliament (Sejm). He involves the construction of a high and reliable fencing equipped with a motion monitoring and detection system, noted the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Previously, “Sputnik Belarus” reported that in Poland, the law on the construction of a capital fence on the border with Belarus is being developed. It is planned to highlight 125 thousand dollars.

On October 8, Warsaw stated that the Belarusian patrol shot by idle cartridges towards the Polish border guards and military who patrolled the border. In Minsk denied it. Polish Foreign Ministry summon a temporary attorney in the affairs of Belarus.

The migration crisis on the border of Belarus and the EU countries began at the end of May, after the threats of the President of Alexander Lukashenko, to weaken control over the flows of illegal immigrants against the background of the next exacerbation of relations with the West. The Poland President Angey Duda called on the EU to stop the flow of migrants arriving from Belarus. German Interior Ministry began investigating the migration crisis.

/Media reports.