At his trial, Minister Alain Grébet defended his probity

The Minister for SMEs appeared, Tuesday, October 12, before the Paris Correctional Court for “incomplete or misleading declaration of his heritage situation” and “of his interests”.


Excluded at the bar of the 11 E Chamber of the Criminal Court of Paris, Alain Griset Fusille of the vice-prosecutor, Julien Goldszlage. The Minister responsible for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 68, has a good recognition of his “clumsiness”, recall his ignorance of the right and swear that he did not do “tax optimization”, his answers do not convince Absolutely not the representative of the Crown.

At the end of a hearing of more than five hours, in a knife-cut atmosphere, Mr. Goldzslagier denounced “the particular bad faith” of Mr. Griset and required against him, Tuesday, October 12, ten to twelve Sufficial prison month for failing to declare, in August 2020, after his appointment to the government, part of his heritage and his interests at the High Authority for the transparency of public life (HATVP).

The floor has also required a fine of 30,000 euros and a three-year ineligibility sentence, which would lead to “automatically the prohibition of exercising public functions”, and therefore weakened the place of Mr. Griset to the government . Premier in office to appear before a correctional court, the ex-entrepreneur is pursued for “incomplete or misleading declaration of his heritage situation” and “of his interests”.

“Direct participations” in several companies

The sexagenarian is suspected of having intentionally hidden the HATVP the holding of an equity savings plan (PEA) of 171,000 euros, and “direct investments” in several companies, such as the French games or Natixis. 130 000 euros placed on its PEA belonged to the National Confederation of Crafts of Crafts and Services (CNAMS) from the North, an interprofessional organization that Mr. Griset has been running since 1991.

In front of the Court, Mr. Gréset argued that he had received, in August 2019, “mandate” of CNAMS to “grow this sum over a short term in order to buy real estate”, welcoming the Passage of the capital gain of “19,000 euros” carried out in “eleven months”.

Between two digressions on its modest origins, its low level of education and its “Artisan-Taxi” course and management leader, the Minister shall assure on July 13, 2020, a week after his entry into the government, to its bank to reimburse 130,000 euros at CNAMS. According to Mr. Gréset, this operation would have taken time to the extent that his banker had to “restructure” the PEA because his ceiling was exceeded. An overdraft would have been granted to him before the transfer to the CNAMS.

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/Media reports.