Sequinless recovery for small world of cabarets

The sales of the sector melted by 85% in 2020 to fall to 45 million euros following the various confines related to the CVIV-19 pandemic. Failing the return of foreign tourists, the year 2021 does not listen better.


If Jospenhine Baker, the most dazzling journal warners of the crazy years, must enter the Pantheon on November 30, the little world of cabarets does not shine yet, far from all his fires and all his Feathers. With the pandemic, and despite the timid reopening of borders, foreign tourists have not returned to the Red Moulin, Crazy Horse, Lido or Latin Paradise. The magazines have certainly taken over since the return, but at a pace of convalescence.

Tuesday, October 12 on the Moulin-Rouge scene, the master of the place, Jean-Victor Clerico, set up a well-morose assessment in front of the members of the CAMULC, the National Union of Cabarets, Music Halls and Created Places. “The two hundred cabarets scattered throughout France represented, before the COVID, 220 million euros of revenue and drained more than 3.2 million spectators each year,” he recalled.

The devastating effect of COVID-19 and the various confines should result in “losses of more than 40 million euros for the sector, in 2020 – including more than 30 million only for the four biggest, the Red Mill, Crazy Horse, Lido and Latin Paradise. And, in 2021, thanks to the aid of the State, these losses should be divided by two, “said the Managing Director of the Red Moulin.

“Trompe-l’oeil figures”

A Flash audit of the Court of Auditors had pointed out on 29 September that the National Music Center (CNM) had granted, thanks to the ticketing loss compensation fund, the maximum amount of one million euros Each at Crazy Horse, Latin Paradise and Moulin-Rouge and nearly 700,000 euros in Lido. More than the manna granted in the spring of bourges (500,000 euros), for example.

At the head of the Crazy Horse, Philippe Lhomme, also President of the CAMULC, recalls that these aid granted in October 2020 were intended to “accompany a recovery of activity”. “But we had to close three weeks later. We had only 800,000 euros and, on this total, we will repay 650,000 euros,” said Mr. Lhomme, who adds: “So are numbers in trompe-l’oeil. “

Romain Laleix, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the CNM, Suitable and Ensures: “We are in the process of instructing these files.” The CNM had explained, at the time of the publication of the audit, that “the amount of the compensation was proportional to the hall gauge of the assisted representations “. It followed “the high number of representations, the importance of their ticketing and their employment structure (permanent), with high fixed charges”.

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/Media reports.