Philippe Martinez, the Secretary General of the Confederation, pleads for this measure, who would be able to create “more than two million jobs”. Its approach enters resonance with proposals carried by several candidates from left to the presidential.
Philippe Martinez takes his pilgrim stick to wear a claim that is dear to him: bringing from thirty-five to thirty-two hours the weekly duration of work. At a press conference, the Secretary-General of the CGT announced, Thursday, October 14, that his union will initiate a communication operation for this change in legislation. “Our ambition is to have a real measure to solve the question of those who do not have a job,” he said. According to him, if this proposal was implemented, it would create “basically, (…) more than two million jobs”, in the public and the private.
Through this approach, the Confederation of Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) stimulates an awareness action committed in 2016, shortly after Mr. Martinez “took the head of the organization” , as Baptiste Talbot reminded, the “campaign pilot”. The management of the CGT considers that the week of thirty-two hours is a track “which gains ground”, as illustrated by the news beyond our borders. In Germany, the IG Metall union suggests applying it to avoid layoffs. For its part, the Spanish government has decided to experiment with this solution in 200 companies, maintaining the remuneration of staff. “We are not the CGT, alone, with his wacky ideas,” has ironed Mr. Martinez.
For the leader Cécétist, “It takes a law” that regins the thirty-two hours as “reference”. “It does not mean that it applies everywhere in the same way,” he said, insisting that the subject should be discussed within the companies with the employees because they are well placed for Define the most adapted time rhythms. In his mind, the lowering of the legal duration of work involves paying the staff at the same level and to force employers to hire, otherwise the device will generate “disorganization”. An allusion to hospitals, where the transition to thirty-five hours, twenty years ago, destabilized the teams, with situations of sub-staffing.
The government disapproves
In passing, Mr. Martinez criticized “The President of the Republic, the Ministers, the Medef”, who marting the speech that “the French would be feignants because they do not work enough”. Official statistics show that it is nothing, he chained, since “full-time” employees do much more than thirty-five hours a week. In addition, “France is one of the countries in the world where the level of productivity is the highest”, which is not without causing problems: multiplication of “burnout” and “occupational diseases”, “hardship” Increased some tasks …
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