An explosion near the largest Shiish Mosque of Bibi Fatima in the Afghan province of Kandahar arranged four terrorists, three of them were suicide bumps. The details of the terrorist attack revealed the source of the RIA Novosti agency.
Summerly bombers made a self-supersion with a large propellation of the parishioners who gathered on Friday prayer. Their belonging to any of the groupings is not installed. As a result of the terrorist attack, 32 people were killed, the number of victims increased to 70.
This is not the first explosion in the Shiite mosque in Afghanistan. October 8, during Friday prayer, the terrorist “Islamic state – Vilayat Horacean” (IG, the organization is recognized as terrorist and prohibited in the Russian Federation) arranged a self-supersion from the Siened Abad of the Afghan city of Kunduz. As a result, from 43 to 100 Afghans-Shiites were killed, about 140 more were injured.
On October 3, the IG arranged the terrorist attack near the IDGs mosque in the Afghan capital Kabul. A bomb exploded, laid at the entrance to the mosque. The explosion was due to the life of at least 12 people and another 32 Afghans suffered.