The penitentiary center of Condé-sur-Sarthe, Orne, was the scene of a hostage on October 5. In recent years, incidents are increasing in the most secure prison in the country.
October 5, armed with a knife, Sofiane Rasmouk – sentenced to life for rape, attempted murder and rape in 2016 – attacked and held hostage for several hours two prison officers Alencon-Condé- sur-Sarthe, before traveling. This is the fourth major incident since the commissioning of the facility, there are eight. End 2013, Rachide Boubala and Fabrice Marius Borromeo, who demanded their transfer to another prison, took hostage a supervisor.
But it was in March 2019 that an attack will make this infamous prison Michael Chiolo, an inmate radicalized, stabs two guards. They survived their injuries. “There was blood everywhere, it was a scene of butchery”, testified in the press Alassane Sall, local secretary of the Workers Force prison. Three months later, the prison was the scene of another incident: Francis Dorffer sequestered for over five supervisors two hours
A bunker powered
The village of Condé-sur-Sarthe (2500 inhabitants) is home to one of the latest and modern prisons of France. Commissioned in 2013, it is deemed to be “the most secure prison in France,” with that of Vendin-le-Vieil (Pas-de-Calais). With airlock effect gates, high walls and a gigantic watchtower that prison is a place “bunkerisé and very oppressive,” describes Delphine Boesel, a lawyer and president of the French section of the International Observatory of Prisons (OIP) .
This high-security facility is divided into three parts, one for the prevention of radicalization. “The inmates live in small, completely sealed units from each other. They have contact with those who are in the same than them,” says Delphine Boesel. Besides the 2019 incident prompted the prison director to significantly tighten the rules and conditions of detention.
Very dangerous prisoners
The 129 detainees do not have the same profiles as those of conventional prisons. Here, many are serving very long sentences. The other, causing riots, assaults or corruption in their old prison were transferred to Condé-sur-Sarthe to be channeled. Very dangerous prisoners are there and went, like Youssouf Fofana, the leader of the “gang of barbarians”, responsible for the death of Ilan Halimi.
But as Christophe Khider, robber has to its credit several escape attempts, one with hostage taking, Tony Meilhon, Laetitia Perrais assassin in 2011, Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, one of the leaders of the 1995 attacks … In short, Condé welcomes prisoners nobody wants to receive. “When the trial of Salah Abdeslam [for the attacks of 13-November] will end, we must not delude ourselves: it will come to Condé This is certain.” States Kevin Grifo, prison officer and local trade unionist FO.
A provisional lasting
“Given the conditions of detention, the administration had estimated that a prisoner could not stay more than nine to twelve months in this prison,” recalls the president of the ICB. This was difficult for the detainees to one year, the time to crop. “It is absolutely not reality,” laments Kevin Grifo. Some prisoners have been there for the opening, eight years.
Delphine Boesel noted many requests from, but the label “Condé-sur-Sarthe” block transfers. And she said: “When the prisoner loses hope from Conde, there are tensions and, given the number of people in this situation, that prison is a real pressure cooker..” A prisoner like Sofiane Rasmouk, sentenced to life imprisonment in the most secure prison in France, no longer has anything to lose. That’s when the danger occurs for supervisors, who talk about working conditions “very difficult”.