Pioneer of economic information on the small screen, Emmanuel of the size, entered the ORTF in 1965, was one of the most famous faces of French television.
The Journalist Emmanuel of the size is dead in Paris, Wednesday, October 13, hit by a truck in the Champs-Elysées district, in Paris, as well as announced the newspaper The Parisian . It was 89 years old.
Born on July 16, 1932 in Casablanca, in Morocco, then under French protectorate, Emmanuel of the size begins in the trade in 1960, as a project manager at the Information Directorate in Algiers. After the independence of Algeria, he joined the France-Press agency (AFP) of which he is the first correspondent for European affairs in Brussels. His competence is even recognized by Charles de Gaulle who will say from him: “At least he knows what he’s talking about and we understand what he says.”

Chief of the economic service of a
Emmanuel of the size enters the ORTF in 1965 and becomes one of the most famous faces of French television, which only includes two chains. From 1978 to 1988, while he is Chief of the TF1 Economic Service, he produces, with François de Closets, a scientific journalist and specialist of aeronautics, which he knows since their common years at AFP, and Alain Willer , an old France-night, “the issue”, the first economic magazine for the general public, broadcast in second evening.
It was, will say François de Closets to the world in 1987, to produce “a true monthly economic and social, well identified among the whole of the economic press and not a television program drowned among others”. But the chain brakes from the four irons: “The idea of an economic initiation issue was part of the specifications of the one, says François de Closets, but it was assimilated to a cultural duty, boring. The baby appeared no viable. “
However, the magazine quickly finds its rhythm, its style and its audience: 7% to 9% listening rate, or about three million viewers. On 12 September 1985, the issue innovated by allowing viewers owners of a minitel, the computer terminal launched in 1980, to intervene live. In 1988, one year after the privatization of TF1, the monthly program is renamed “The club of the issue” and becomes weekly, broadcast at the end of the evening. It will be followed from 1994 to 1998 by “the International Challenge” on TV5 World.
From the Press Club de France to a web TV
In 1986, Emmanuel of the waist had founded the Press Club de France , a “services and meetings platform for companies, institutions, embassies and communities”. During the 2000s, he will collaborate on a web TV, will produce podcasts and publish, to the Hugues de Chivre editions, three books: Family Spirit and Freedom of movement. The family, the first of the networks (2012); Eternal life ? Little Guide to Operation Resurrection (2017), who “has no other ambition only to help each other to freely train the personal guide of his vision of an eternal life body and soul,” says his author; Finally, 1940-2020. Of crisis wars: a French course (2020), raised by the pandemic of Covid-19 and written “to understand and help understand over the days a news that makes history and connects to its personal history”, so that specified the Emmanuel of the waist.
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