For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, and while the vaccination campaign is neutral, Russia has announced having recorded more than 1,000 deaths in twenty-four hours.
Russia had never known as many deaths related to COVID-19. Saturday, October 16, the country recorded more than 1,000 deaths for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, while the country’s vaccination campaign is neutral. The official statement of the Government reports 1,002 deaths and 33 208 new contaminations.
This outbreak then intervenes that only 31% of the Russians are fully vaccinated, According to the specialized Gogov website , on the background of distrust of the population and while Russia is the country’s hardestly touched in Europe by the virus. The SARS-COV-2 is spreading while governmental health restrictions are limited, although several regions have reintroduced the obligation to present QR codes to access public places.
The Kremlin, anxious to preserve the economy, refused to put in place restrictions of importance at the national level, while judging “inadmissible” the low anti-COVID vaccination rate. “Our main mission is to find the middle ground between breaking the chains of contamination (…) and maintain the conditions to allow the economy to turn and to people to continue to make money,” said the holder. Kremlin’s word, Dmitri Peskov.
The Russians have been confronted since 2014 a decline in their standard of living, leading the popularity of the authorities. The Kremlin also assured this week that the medical system was able to accommodate the growing number of patients.
between 222,000 and 400,000 dead
Russia has gained experience since the beginning of the pandemic and “all the medical infrastructure is mobilized,” said Thursday Mr. Peskov. “Today, there are more treatment technologies, more medical monitoring and infrastructure capacity.”
The authorities incriminate the behavior of the Russians. The Minister of Health, Mikhail Mourachko, awarded the current situation “primarily to the behavior of the population and the” insufficient “dismissal despite the availability of several national vaccines. In addition to the low vaccination rate, the propagation of the virus is facilitated by the low respect of barrier gestures. More than half of the Russians do not consider being vaccinated, according to independent polls.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Russia officially recognizes more than 222,000 deaths, the highest figure in Europe even though the authorities are accused of minimizing the extent of outbreak in the country. The Institute of Statistics Rossat , which has a broader definition Deads related to coronaviruses, makes him state of more than 400,000 dead.