Sexist and sexual violence: Ministry of Higher Education presents its action plan

Minister Frédérique Vidal wants to deploy a battery of measures for five years to professionalize the collection of the victims’ speaker.


All actors in the world of higher education and research must gradually be trained in the prevention of sexist and sexual violence: this is one of the promises of the National Action Plan 2021-2025, Friday October 15, by Minister Frédérique Vidal, and by Elisabeth Moreno, delegated minister responsible for equality between women and men, diversity and equal opportunities.

With 7 million euros over five years (including 500 000 euros in 2021 and 1.7 million in 2022, which do not, however, include in the bill of finance currently examined by the deputies), this plan. Displays as “a new step” after the Public Service Transformation Act. In 2019, it imposed on public institutions with the definition of a plan of action on professional equality with a component devoted to the fight against sexist and sexual violence providing for the obligation to create a system for reporting Acts of violence, discrimination, harassment and sexist acts.

The year 2021 has carried an impressive batch of students denouncing laxity and a form of “cultivation of rape” which would rave in such prestigious institutions as the institutes of political studies or the central schoolsupelec, of which An internal investigation revealed on October 7 by Le Monde accounts for a hundred rape and sexual assault committed in one year between engineering students. In total, a study conducted by INED figure between one-third and a quarter the proportion of students who reported at least one violence in the last twelve months (sexist injury, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape).

“The combination of the unspoken, the difficulty of putting into words the aggression suffered, sometimes even, the difficulty of identifying it as such” persist “despite the efforts made by the institutions to stem and prevent them” , written Frédérique Vidal in the introduction of the measures of this plan that comes in four axes: massive training, reinforcement of the reporting devices, reinforced communication and valuation of the commitment on these subjects, particularly through bonuses and discharges hourly for the staff members equality within establishments.

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Between October 2021 and July 2022, once a month, training sessions, financed by the Ministry of Higher Education, will be exempt from the staff of the schemes of the sexist and sexual violence but also to the persons involved in the Disciplinary Treatment: Actors of Disciplinary Sections, Legal Directorates, Mission Equality, Human Resources and Members of the National Council for Teaching and Disciplinary Research to which regularly turn, on appeal, personnel incriminated for a fact of gender-based violence or sexual.

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