Researchers from Spain, Russia and the United States stated that the ancestors of the indigenous Americans came to the continent not from Japan. The article of scientists was published in the magazine Paleoamerica.
One of the most popular theories about the origin of the indigenous population of America states that their ancestors came about 15 thousand years ago from Japan on Bering’s Break. As evidence, the tips of throwing weapons are found on the continent of 14-16 thousand years old, whose execution technique is similar to both in the indigenous Americans, and in the ancient Japanese peoples of the culture of the Dzemo, who inhabited the archipelago from 14 thousand years ago 300 BC. / P>
Researchers from the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, the Department of Studying Mammoth Fauna of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), together with colleagues from the United States and Spain, studied the structure of the teeth of the ancient Americans and representatives of the Dzémo culture. It turned out that 21 signs of teeth of the indigenous inhabitants of America are quite different. So, in the ancient Indians, central cutters are brought together and deployed relative to the axis, while the measurements had faster front teeth.
The previous studies of the nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs obtained from the bones of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, the male chromosomes also show that the peoples inhabited in Japan could most likely could not be ancestors of ancient Americans – the last one for two groups of ancestor lived a much earlier alleged migration. “We assume that the origins of the indigenous Americans lie somewhere in Siberia. But where exactly – we still have to find out,” says the head of the project of the Russian Scientific Foundation, Senior Researcher of the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Pitulko.