Trump pre-prominct “hunt” on founding fathers

Ex-head of the United States Donald Trump appreciated the decision to transfer the statues of the Statue of the US President Thomas Jefferson from the hall of the city office of New York City Hall. In his opinion, the same way will be affected with other state fathers, RIA Novosti reports.

“Great Thomas Jefferson, one of our most important founding fathers and the author of the US Constitution was” evinted “from the magnificent hall of the city commission. Who might think that it was possible. I could! I warned for a long time. The following ones Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and, of course, George Washington, “- predicted” hunt “on the former leaders of the country’s 45th President.

Trump condemned the solution of “radical levaks” about the transfer of the statue. In his opinion, they “went crazy and cause serious pain.” Trump believes that “soon healthy people will return,” and the United States will again acquire respect.

45th President of the USAbed against the demolition of monuments is still at the time of its country. He also accused the media in attempts to change the history of the states. “It is necessary to ask a question – where it all ends,” said Trump.

Statue of Thomas Jefferson decided to remove from the hall of the city commission until the end of 2021. She will be rearranged in the public place to be selected. In the building of the city council since 1915 there is an accurate gypsum copy of the Bronze Original statue placed by the Capitol.

/Media reports.