Rogozin rated quality of frames removed on ISS for movie “Call”

Director General of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin appreciated the quality of the calls taken on the ISS frames of the film “Challenge” received after the flight of the actress Yulia Peresilde and director Klim Shipenko. He published a video recording in his Telegram-channel, as the staff of the State Corporation and the “First Channel” expect an extraction of Flash cards with materials from the RCC.

Rogozin noted that these records delivered to the ground descended by the Soyuz MS-18 ship’s apparatus, which was brought late in the Korolev near Moscow, “priceless”, they were immediately tested.

“Employees expect to extract invaluable flash cards – the result of shooting on the ISS Klim Shipenko and Yulia Peresild. Immediately checked the quality of the footage. It is great,” said the head of “Roskosmos”.

Earlier, Rogozin rated the operation of the film-makeup in orbit. He praised the crew and noted that their work went without comments. The general director of the State Corporation also called the player’s work in great difficulty and added that the staff of the Corporation was pleased with the well-being of the film crew.

On the morning of October 17, the film designer in which the cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky includes Actress Julia Peresilde and the director Klim Shipenko, landed in Kazakhstan on the ship “Union MS-18” (“Yu. A. Gagarin”). At the scheduled time, at 7.35, the crew touched the Earth in 148 kilometers southeast of the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan.

/Media reports.