In United States commented on abduction of missionaries to Haiti

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken during a press conference in Quito with Ecuadorian Foreign Minister and Mursio Migration Minister Montalvo commented on the seizure of a group of American missionaries to Haiti. He stressed that Washington is doing everything possible to resolve this situation, transfers TASS.

In particular, a group of staff of the State Department was sent to Haiti in Haiti, a very close interaction with the Federal Bureau of Investigations was supported, which plays a leading role in such situations, “the head of the State Department emphasized.

Blinken indicated that the United States authorities are in constant contact with the Gaiti government and the police.

On October 17, a group of Christian American missionaries kidnapped a gang directly from the bus, after people and members of their families came out of the shelter in Port O-Prince. Later, the bandits called the amount of redemption: a million dollars for each. All they want to get $ 17 million for the release of hostages

/Media reports.