In United States asked to bring to responsibility of assistant Trump

The Special Committee of the Chamber of Representatives of the US Congress to Investigate Events in the Capitol on January 6, 2021 asked to bring to the responsibility of the former Assistant of the Former President of Donald Trump Stephen Bannon. Reports about it TASS.

Congressmen made a similar appeal due to the failure of the person involved on the hearing. At the end of September, the Committee ordered a number of persons to obtain their own storm information from them.

The Political Consultant Bannon, who was the White House with a strategist, refused to speak at hearings. In this regard, the majority of members of the Committee spoke in favor of attracting him to justice and nomine the accusation of disrespect for Congress.

Earlier it became known that in a crowd, stormed by the Capitol building in Washington in January 2021, the Informer FBI was informed. The informant consisted of the Ultra right of the Proud Boys organization. He wrote messages to his curator right during the attack on the Capitol.

January 6 Propertures of US President Donald Trump, losted election, took the possession of the Capitol building in Washington, paralyzing for several hours of the Congress. As a result of the riots, a protest member and a policeman were killed, three more died from the causes that are not related to violence. The police could remove the storming participants from the Congress building, after which the victory of Joe Bayiden was announced in the presidential election.

/Media reports.