US announced absence of attempts to keep China

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken declared the absence of attempts to contain China. He pointed out during a press conference with the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Mauricio Montalvo in Quito, that Washington does not ask for partners from other countries to choose between the United States and PRC. His words leads TASS.

“We do not ask the country to choose between the United States and China, do not seek to keep China,” the head of the State Department emphasized.

Blinken added that Washington strongly recommends the partners to check the trade and economic transactions offered by Bechin, since there is no separation between companies that are considered private and the state.

Earlier, the official representative of the White House, Jen Psaki, stated that the United States would continue to adhere to his obligations in relations with Taiwan and would help to resist the threat emanating from the PRC. According to her, US commitment to Taiwan dictated by the need to maintain peace and stability in the Strait and in the Asia-Pacific region.

/Media reports.