Neurologist told about relief of attack of migraine at home

Neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of his own Center for Neurology and Rehabilitation, Viktor Shakhovich told “Evening Moscow”, how to stop migraine attack at home. According to him, this can be done with peace and fresh air.

Medic noted that no products will help reduce its frequency if it is a true migraine. He stated that it was necessary to provide a sick peace and fresh air, as well as darken the windows. If it helps to alleviate the symptoms, it means that there is a migraine, the doctor explained. He also noted that many patients who complain about headaches are trying to solve the problem with sleep in the hope of waking up without attacks. Such symptoms says about the presence of migraines.

Previously, researchers from Australia identified in blood three products of metabolism, a change in the content of which increases the risk of migraine in humans. It turned out that the risk of migraine development increases with a reduced level of docosahexaenic acid (DGK), elevated levels of lysophosphatidyl orphanolamine content, as well as low metabolite levels X-11315.

/Media reports.