Elizabeth II met with Bill Gates

Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II arranged a reception in Windsor Castle in honor of the global investment summit held in London on October 19. Representatives of large-scale business and politicians were invited to the meeting, including the founder of the American company Microsoft Bill Gates, reports TASS with reference to the PA.

Together with Elizabeth II, guests also met the heir to the throne Prince Wales Charles, his eldest son Duke Cambridge William, cousin Queen Duke Gloucester Richard and his wife Birgitta and another cousin Prince Michael Kent.

At the reception was attended by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Russian Foreign Minister Elizabeth Trails, the Minister of Foreign Trade Ann-Marie Treveralyan, President of the US President John Kerry, the head of the company in the field of cybersecurity Darktrace Poppy Gustafsson and managing director of the Emirate Investment Fund -Dabi Sheikh Hamid Ben Zaid al Nahayyan.

In connection with the global investment summit dedicated to innovative green technologies, Elizabeth II stated that “is proud of the progressive movement of Great Britain” on the way to “Sustainable Future.”

“Much still has to be done. This summit is not just a showcase, it allows you to act together and create new partnerships,” she said.

Earlier, Elizabeth II criticized the world leaders for indifference to climate. She stated that she was annoying annoying indifference politicians to this problem.

/Media reports.