Australia warned a threat to risk of terrorism

The Director General of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization (ASIO) Mike Bergess noted in the report submitted to the country’s parliament that the threat of a country from foreign spies will soon exceed the danger from terrorism. It is reported by the Australian ABC TV channel.

Head of Intelligence warned that foreign agents are making “sophisticated and large-scale” attempts using technological interference in the country’s affairs against the background of restrictions due to COVID-19. In his opinion, in the coming years, various cases of espionage will exceed the threat from terrorism.

“Foreign spies are trying to get closed information on Australia’s trading relations, military and intelligence potential. They seek to develop targets with current and former politicians, current and past security officers. They monitor diasporas in Australia and in some cases threatening them physically. Representatives, “said Bergess.

He believes that the increased radicalization of young people becomes one of the most serious challenges, especially among men.

previously it became known that the district court of the Bulgarian city of Stara-Zagora left the Russian and two citizens of Lithuania suspected of industrial espionage under arrest. This is a scientist-gunsmith, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Zonenko, as well as his wife Olga and the Son of Veniamine, who have Lithuanian citizenship. Sononko is located in Bulgaria for eight years, he was engaged in developments in the field of ammunition and worked at the Arsenal factory, where he led the direction “Cumulative ammunition”.

/Media reports.