Release Server JavaScript Platform Node.js 17.0

held Release Node.js 17.0 , Platforms for performing network applications in JavaScript. Node.js 17.0 refers to a branch with a regular service life, updates for which will be issued until June 2022. In the coming days, the stabilization of the Node.js 16 branch will be completed, which will receive LTS status and will be supported until April 2024. The accompaniment of the past LTS-branch Node.js 14.0 will last until April 2023, and by last LTS-branches 12.0 until April 2022.

Basic improvements :

  • V8 engine is updated to version 9.5 .
  • continued implementation of basic API variants based on the use of an asynchronous computing interface Promise . In addition to the previously proposed API Timers Promises and Streams Promises in Node.js 17.0, the API Readline Promise for the line of reading data Using the readline module. Import * as readline from ‘node: readline / promises’; Import {STDIN AS INPUT, STDOUT AS OUTPUT} from ‘Process’; const RL = readline.createInterface ({INPUT, OUTPUT}); Const Answer = Await RL.Question (‘What do you think of node.js?’); Console.log (‘Thank You for Your Valuable Feedback: $ {Answer}’); RL.Close ();
  • Supplied in the OpenSSL library updated to version 3.0 (used Quictls / OpenSSL fork with the QUIC protocol enabled).
  • is provided with an output version of Node.js in the trace of the stack, displayed in the case of fatal errors, resulting in the completion of the application.

Recall that the node.js platform can be used both for server support for the work of Web applications and to create regular client and server network programs. To expand the functionality of applications for Node.js, a large The collection of modules , in which you can find modules with implementing servers and clients HTTP, SMTP, XMPP, DNS, FTP, IMAP, POP3, Modules for integration with various Web frameworks, WebSocket and Ajax handlers, Connectors for DBMS (MYSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Mongodb), Texizers, CSS engines, Cryptalgorithm and authorization systems (OAuth), XML parsers.

To ensure the processing of a large number of Node.js parallel requests, use an asynchronous code for starting a code-based event processing in non-blocking mode and the definition of Callback processors. As methods of multiplexing connections, methods such as Epoll, KQueue, / Dev / Poll and SELECT are supported. For multiplexing connections, a library libuv , which is a superstructure over Libev in UNIX systems and over IOCP in Windows. To create a stream pool (Thread Pool), the libeio

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