Fuel prices: executive reflects on a decline in taxation

Involving not to allow the discontent of the French-related French people, the government plans to reduce the domestic consumption tax on energy products, to the Grand Dam of Bercy.

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Inflation, it is a bit like the barrel of the Daniades, which empties as it is filled. At six months of the presidential election, the government is confronted with the purchasing power for the third time in a few weeks. This sliding theme was given to the center of the political debate by the vigor of the global economic recovery at the output of CIVID-19 epidemic, which made the prices of several raw materials flambost, including those of energy, weakening households modest, while wages do not follow the same evolution.

After having proposed, in September, a measure of helping the payment of heating invoices with a revaluation of 100 euros from the energy check, then a “tariff shield” to counter the flight of gas and electricity bills This is the rise in pump prices that has become the new spine in the foot of Emmanuel Macron. At the approach of the elections, the head of state tries to sell his economic balance sheet, especially in terms of purchasing power, and does not want to risk the resurgence of a social anger of the type of “vests. Yellow “, which had been triggered in 2018 by rising taxes on motorists. “There will be a short-term action, accompanying households,” promised Macron, Friday, October 15th.

That’s why the executive should announce a “simple, fair and efficient” device to help the French on the rise in fuel prices, reaffirmed Tuesday 19 October on RTL, the spokesman of the government, Gabriel Attal . He stated that “the latest arbitrations [were] in progress” and mentioned a decision “by the end of the week”. “All tracks are on the table,” he said, mentioning “the issue of taxes” and that of “a check, specific help for people who use their car and who suffer this increase. “, who” may last several months “. The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, could announce the contours, from Wednesday, October 20, in the evening, during a television intervention.

The situations of the motorists are multiple

Arbitration meetings continued in recent days, and Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex should talk about it during their weekly lunches on Wednesday. The executive ensures that the two options remain under study, but the option of a temporary decrease in fuel taxation, first discarded, finally seems to hold the rope. This solution would have the advantage of being easy to implement and enter into force immediately – from 2021 -, while a “premium fuel”, the other option mentioned, involves being able to target households likely to Be penalized by rising prices at the pump, which is very complex. The government does not have, “as for the energy check, a database of people who need their car to work,” explained the Minister for the energy transition, Barbara Pompili.

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/Media reports.