Gastroenterologist told about tumors in gallbladder

Polyps on the wall of the gallbladder are almost always “non-living” – this deposits of cholesterol and bilirubin, said the gastroenterologist, the therapist Alexei Paramonov, write “Arguments and Facts”.

The doctor told what symptoms can talk about the presence of tumors and whether the patient is required for the patient. The polyp is an outflow on the wall of the gallbladder. Cholesterol polyps over the years may not change and increase slowly. However, then they are separated from the wall of the organ and turn into a stone of the gallbladder. As the specialist noted, only in three percent cases, polyps turn out to be benign tumors. “When such a tumor polyp becomes quite large, it increases the risk of formation of malignant growth zones,” described the Medic.

At the same time, ultrasound studies and other methods do not allow to determine the type of polypa, the observation is required. Patients are prescribed two ultrasound per year. If the polyp is almost not changed, the operation does not. When it reaches 10 millimeters and bleeding, the doctor can send to surgery to prevent cancer in the future.

Polyps do not react to the lifestyle of a person, so the diet is not needed when they appear, the specialist noted.

Previously, American doctors found the connection between the use of vitamins B6, B12 and raising the risk of lung cancer.

/Media reports.