White House accused Trump in an attempt to undermine US Constitution

US President Joe Bayiden accuses for an ex-president of Donald Trump in an attempt to undermine the peaceful transfer of power in the United States. This statement was made by the spokesman for the White House of Jen Psaka. Her words sounded at a briefing that was broadcast by the Washington Post.

It is about the situation after the presidential election of 2020, when Trump did not recognize their results and demanded to recalculate the voices and investigate violations made by democrats. In addition, Psaki stated that this way the 45th US President tried to undermine the norms of the American Constitution.

September 26, speaking in front of their supporters in Georgia, Trump once again stated that the elections of 2020 were dishonest, and he won a major victory. He also accused state authorities in the fact that they did not interfere with falsifications.

/Media reports.