Full woman became model in retaliation insulted her heights

Complete British has become a plus Size model in retaling Heyteers, who regularly insulted it because of the appearance. Her story brings Daily Star.

22-year-old resident of Remem Megan Byrne (Megan Byrne) said that in adolescence, many times got into the hospital because of anorexia, because it was repeatedly tried to lose weight. After the birth of a child, a woman had an excess weight, from which she could not get rid of for a long time. Then she recovered to 88 kilograms.

“I did not take my figure, but I tried to get used to her. It seemed to me that I was disgusting urba, because of what no one would love me. I said to yourself:” You are huge, ugly, no one will pay attention to you ” “,” admitted the heroine of the material.

According to the publication, Byrne decided to take part in the beauty contest Miss Voluptuous Wales, in which only full women compete, and ultimately won. From that moment on, Britan began to receive proposals for cooperation with fashionable brands and shops. It is noted that now she promotes the ideas of bodiposive.

“called everyone who ever humiliated me because of my figure, I became a successful mannequin. I continue to face insults, for example, I call me” pig “or” whale “, but I try not to pay attention to attacks From the side of the strangers, “she concluded.

In July, a resident of England told that he suffered from unrequited love and lost four sizes for six months. The 18-year-old Isobel Morry explained that he began to be ashamed of her weight in 11 years. According to her, she hated her own body because of unrequited love: the girl confessed in his feelings of the boy who she liked, and the young man answered her: “Shut up, whale.”

/Media reports.