Presidential Election 2022: Yannick Jadot unveils organization chart of his campaign team

The ecologist candidate has chosen to surround himself with his main competitors in the primary: Sandrine Rousseau is appointed Chair of the Political Council for Strategy; Delphine Batho and Eric Piolle become special advisors.


Yannick Jadot, Invested, September 28, Ecologist candidate in the presidential election of 2022, took all his time to build his campaign team, which will be led by the MEP MOUNIR SATOURI. “To build this team, I left a promise of Yannick Jadot: He always wanted to gather his political family,” says Satouri, who was already piloting Mr. Jadot’s campaign at the Egologist Primary. “When I suggested placing Sandrine Rousseau at the heart of the countryside, it participates in this promise. We tried to put the right people in the right place. It does not have much to see With Congress or Report Arbitration negotiations using a calculator. We trust everyone. “

However, the environmental candidate has held up to all political equilibriums within the Europe Ecology-Les Greens (EELV), very involved in the presidential campaign. Sandrine Rousseau, who had procrastinated after his defeat to express unambiguous support to Yannick Jadot, becomes president of a vast political advice in charge of the campaign strategy, in which other candidates beaten at the primary – Delphine Batho, Chair of Generation Ecology and MP, as well as Eric Piolle, Mayor of Grenoble – will be special advisers.

Yannick Jadot also wanted to display a highly feminized team. Marie Toussaint, a European member and the origin of the petition “the case of the century”, which aimed to pursue the French state in court for its inaction in the fight against global warming, is appointed political advisor. Like Karima Delli, President of the Transport Commission in the European Parliament.


Eva SAS, member of the Executive Board of EELV, will be “100 Day Advisor”. As such, it will have to translate the presidential project into a legislative and regulatory arsenal ready to be implemented during the first weeks following the arrival of Yannick Jadot to the Elysee. A key post, because Yannick Jadot will be very expected about the realization and feasibility of its proposals.

Not surprisingly, Matthieu Orphan, MP Maine-et-Loire and former member of the Republic in March, inherit the coordination of the seven spokespersons of the candidate, including Mélissa Camara, close to Sandrine Rousseau, and Marine Tondelier, support from Eric Piolle. This parolat holder has four women and three men. Citizen governance has also been imagined as a place of political arbitration. It will consist of ecologists drawn by William Aucant, a member of the former Citizen Convention for the Climate Wanted in 2019 by Emmanuel Macron.

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