The President of the Republican People’s Union (UPR), had obtained 0.92% of the votes in 2017. He has since been indicted for sexual assault.
François Asselineau, the President of the Small Sovereignist Training Republican People’s Union (UPR), presented Tuesday 19 October in Paris, his candidacy for the presidential election, which he had announced for two years. Former Finance Inspector had failed in 2012, and had only 0.92% of the votes in 2017.
Obstinished supporter of the Frexit – The exit of France of the European Union – he also hears out of the euro and NATO. He presented on Tuesday his “27 + 1” commitments, nod to the 27 countries of the European Union without the United Kingdom. Its 28 e proposal is “the commitment to the French to actually implement” its program, and it intends to “deliver its mandate to the disposition of people if it did not realize the half after two and a half years “.
The candidate’s program is quite close to that of 2017, except, insists Mr. Asselineau, that “many events have come since”: The Brexit, the poliements on the polexity, “an idea that seemed wacky and who is today in all spirits “. Another new event for 2017, its indicning on February 5, after two days of custody, for “moral harassment”, “sexual harassment” and “sexual assault per person having authority and intimidation of a victim” after the complaint of two of his relatives.
Three million euros
François Asselineau ensures can not be worried. “I refute the charges against me, people seek to harm me, replies the president of the UPR. I have an absolutely virgin criminal record, not an account in Switzerland, I am not quoted in the Panama Papers, we will see what does justice say. “He ensures as many sponsorship promises of elected officials in 2017 at the same time – it takes 500, plus a margin of safety of at least a hundred more – and esteem The cost of applying to the Elysee and the EUR 3 million parliamentary elections, fully covered by donations, on a site soon operational.
His main Challenger, at the bottom of the presidential ranking, remains Florian Philippot, former number 2 of the National Front and President of the Patriots, also favorable to a Frexit, who should launch his campaign Sunday, October 24 in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis). “Philippot, who launched his party ten years after me, took 90% of my proposals, is the president of the UPR. He has extremist remarks on vaccination, while I am not antivaccin by principle, And we do not have the same friends. “He vaguely hopes” an agglomeration effect around a candidate “during the campaign, who could well be him.